Audizioni e borse di studio per studenti: Orchestra dell’Accademia dell’Opera di Berlino 2024
Die Zauberflöte di Mozart
Le nozze di Figaro di Mozart
Gianni Schicchi & Suor Angelica di Puccini
Hänsel und Gretel di Humperdinck
DATE: 13 luglio – 10 settembre 2024
Termine ultimo per la presentazione della domanda: 15 marzo 2024
Sono disponibili borse di studio complete e parziali per un totale di 150.000€.
L’Orchestra della Berlin Opera Academy aspira a guidare giovani musicisti verso una carriera in Germania. Il nostro programma si suddivide in due sessioni di quattro settimane e offre l’opportunità di partecipare in una o entrambe le sessioni, dall’11 luglio al 12 agosto e/o dall’8 agosto al 9 settembre.
I nostri docenti, provenienti dai teatri più prestigiosi del mondo come il Metropolitan Opera, l’Opéra national de Paris, il Royal Opera House Covent Garden e la Staatsoper di Berlino, ti guideranno nella tua formazione professionale e ti forniranno i migliori strumenti per una carriera di successo.
Il calendario dell’Accademia prevede:
- Partecipazione nell’orchestra della BOA in due o quattro produzioni dell’OPERNFEST della BOA.
- Docenti di fama mondiale attualmente impegnati in teatri come il Metropolitan Opera, l’Opéra national de Paris, il Royal Opera House Covent Garden e la Staatsoper di Berlino.
- Formazione e concerti di musica da camera.
- Corsi di lingua tedesca.
- Formazione per le audizioni.
- Masterclass per orchestra.
- Laboratori di direzione d’orchestra.
- Accesso quotidiano alle sale per le prove.
La Germania ha la scena operistica più attiva al mondo, con 30 volte più spettacoli per abitante rispetto al Nord America ogni anno. La Berlin Opera Academy fornisce istruzioni pratiche e professionali agli artisti emergenti con l’obiettivo di aiutarli a trovare lavoro. Guidando i nostri studenti attraverso un repertorio operistico e da camera diversificato e le relative performance, li educheremo sul sistema tedesco e forniremo loro le competenze necessarie per avere successo sia in Germania che a livello internazionale.
Ulteriori informazioni sulle candidature e sull’orchestra sono disponibili su Non esitate a contattare la BOA per ulteriori domande.
Symposium ProMiMiC

AMF 2023 Fellowship Program

The Atlantic Music Festival is thrilled to announce its Resident Artist Fellowship Program, taking place from June 26 to August 6, 2023.
The fellowship provides complete financial coverage of tuition, housing, and meals during the six-week residency. Open to composers, conductors, singers, and instrumentalists in the following instruments: Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, Horn, Trumpet, Tenor Trombone, Bass Trombone, Tuba, Timpani & Percussion, Piano, Guitar, Harp, Violin, Viola, Cello, and Double Bass, the program is a unique opportunity for young artists to gain the experience necessary to enter the professional concert artist world.
Fellows will have frequent opportunities to collaborate with the festival’s artist-faculty members and perform in concerts as featured artists or members of the orchestra. The festival is dedicated to nurturing young artists and has a long history of successful alumni who occupy prominent positions in conservatories, young artist programs, festivals, and opera houses.
Eligible applicants must be 18 or older and in attendance for the full six-week residency. Please visit the Atlantic Music Festival’s website at for more information on the application process and details on the program.
The Atlantic Music Festival looks forward to providing a transformative experience for the next generation of classical musicians through the Resident Artist Fellowship Program.
Atlantic Music Festival
228 Park Ave S # 31975
New York, NY 10003
“This will be our reply to violence: to make music more intensely, more beautifully, more devotedly than ever before.”
– Leonard Bernstein
Masterclasses at Music Festival in Bautzen
Dear students,
We’re pleased to invite you to masterclasses, which will be a part of the “Triangle Festival”. Courses will be held in Bautzen from the 14th until the 25th of May 2023.
The following Professors will be taking part in the festival: Mihaela Martin, Frans Helmerson, Troels Svane, Viviane Hagner, Miguel da Silva, Conrad Muck, Blythe Teh Engström.
Also, you have a chance to practice with the orchestra – SNE – Orchestra Musiktheater Bautzen
Don’t miss the opportunity to Improve your skills and get the lessons with orchestra SNE – Orchestra Musiktheater Bautzen.
We offer several options for the masterclasses (individual lessons, rehearsal with orchestra, and passive participation).
After completion of the course, we provide a certificate from Schloss Academy.
Hurry up, the number of places is limited!
Schloss Akademy

Sperando di fare cosa gradita, desideriamo informarvi che L’Orchestra giovanile Filarmonici Friulani ha indetto un bando pubblico rivolto a giovani musicisti tra i 18 e i 30 anni per la partecipazione a una produzione formativa in collaborazione con Jeunesses Musicales Deutschland per l’International Opera Academy di Weikersheim in Germania.
I musicisti selezionati parteciperanno a un campus musicale per una tournée operistico-sinfonica da tenersi al festival di Weikersheim (Germania) nei mesi di luglio e agosto 2023 per complessive 9 recite dell’opera L’elisir d’amore di Gaetano Donizetti e 4 concerti sinfonici. La partecipazione è gratuita e completamente spesata.
La masterclass si svolgerà dall’11 luglio all’11 agosto, nel momento in cui verrà confermato l’esito della candidatura, verranno confermate le date definitive della tournée e i dati di tutti gli artisti coinvolti.
Per partecipare basterà compilare il modulo presente sul sito internet Orchestra giovanile Filarmonici Friulani e caricare un video “Non in elenco” sulla piattaforma YouTube, di durata compresa tra 7 e 10 minuti. Questo dovrà contenere almeno un passo o a solo orchestrale tra i più comunemente richiesti per audizioni e concorsi del proprio strumento. Il resto del programma è a discrezione del candidato tra il repertorio del proprio strumento.
Gli esiti della selezione, a cura della Direzione Artistica dell’Orchestra, verranno comunicati privatamente entro e non oltre il 1 marzo 2023.
Per maggiori informazioni è possibile visitare la pagina dedicata sul nostro sito:
XV CONCORSO INTERNAZIONALE “Giovani Musicisti – Città di Treviso” 2023
“Giovani Musicisti – Città di Treviso” 2023
21 – 23 Aprile 2023
Scadenza iscrizioni: 2 Aprile 2023
Last days to apply: Vienna Music Competition
Vienna International Music Competition: Last days to apply !!!
Winners’ concerts: MUSIKVEREIN and MOZARTHAUS
Remaining time to application deadline (25 Juanuary at 23:59)
ONLINE COMPETITION (video selection)
- Winners’ concerts at MUSIKVEREIN and MOZARTHAUS in VIENNA:
8 and 9 April 2023 (at least 20 winners) - Over 30.000€ in Prizes
- 5 music albums
- Cash prizes
- Special Awards: Baroque, Classical, Romantic, Impressionism, Contemporary
Application deadline: 25 JANUARY 2023
- STRINGS: Violin – Viola – Cello – Double Bass
- WIND: Saxophone – Flute – Oboe – Clarinet – Bassoon
Trumpet French Horn – Trombone – Euphonium – Tuba - ACCORDION, PERCUSSION, GUITAR, HARP.
- VOICE: Soprano – Mezzo – Contralto – Tenor – Countertenor – Baryton – Bass
- CHAMBER MUSIC: Duo – Trio – Quartet – Quintet – Sextet, etc.
1A. INSTRUMENTALISTS: 18, 19 or 20 years old
1B. INSTRUMENTALISTS: 21, 22 or 23 years old
1C. INSTRUMENTALISTS: 24, 25 and 26 years old
1D. INSTRUMENTALISTS: 27, 28 and 29 years old
1E. INSTRUMENTALISTS: 30 years old and over (no age limit)
1F. VOICE: singers of ALL ages
1G. CHAMBER MUSIC: ensembles of ALL ages
1H. COMPOSITION: composers of ALL ages
2A. INSTRUMENTALISTS: 16 or 17 years old
2B. INSTRUMENTALISTS: 14 or 15 years old
2C. INSTRUMENTALISTS: 12 or 13 years old
2D. INSTRUMENTALISTS: 10 or 11 years old
2E. INSTRUMENTALISTS: 8 or 9 years old
2F. INSTRUMENTALISTS: 6 or 7 years old
2G. INSTRUMENTALISTS: 3, 4 or 5 years old

Call for Incoming SMS Applications 2023-2024-MUSIKENE

Dear Colleagues,
Hereby I would like to inform you about the procedure to apply as an Erasmus mobility student (SMS) to Musikene for the 2023-2024 academic year.
We will only use EASY platform ( The students should register through this tool and upload the documentation required.
The application term for both semesters is from Feb 1st to March 15th.
The documentation required is:
· Academic and artistic CV
· Motivation letter
· Application via EASY
· Learning agreement included as the Study Plan in the EASY application. (It’s very important for us in order to consider the stay of the student)
· Recording. Link to audio/video. The recommendation is a video recording of at least 3 pieces/fragment/themes with a total amount of approximately 20 minutes. For Composition a portfolio with at least three pieces.
In our website you can see our Course and ECTS Information:
Don’t hesitate to contact me if you need more information.
Looking forward for your applications
Best regards from San Sebastián
Begoña Alonso
Tel. +34 943 023770
L’Accademia Musicale Romana è lieta di informarLa del bando del 13° CONCORSO INTERNAZIONALE “PREMIO ACCADEMIA GIOVANI 2023” dal 30 Maggio al 4 Giugno 2023 – Sezione Pianoforte e Musica da Camera per categorie di età da 5 ai 29 anni.
Montepremi da 10.000 €; concerti pubblici a Roma ed in altre località d’Italia.
Il Concorso sarà trasmesso in diretta streaming.
INFO dettagli consultare il regolamento completo sul sito:
Vienna Music Competition, Musikverein and Mozarthaus, deadline: 25/01/2023
We would like to inform you about the Vienna International Music Competition, which could be a very rewarding experience for musicians wishing to perform at the MUSIKVEREIN and MOZARTHAUS in Vienna and release a music album. The application deadline is 25 JANUARY 2023 and the selection is made entirely online. Please, we kindly ask you to share this information. Don’t hesitate to let us know if you have any question.
Many thanks for your consideration. With our best wishes,
Adam Schmidt – Administration – Vienna International Music Competition

Application Lucerne Festival Academy 2023 – AEC
Dear Fellow Music Lovers,
We are very excited to announce the program and application for the next Lucerne Festival Academy, which will take place from 11th August to 3rd September, 2023.
One focus for the summer of 2023 will be on the work of the German composer Enno Poppe. As composer-in-residence, he will conduct not only his own works but also Mathias Spahlinger’s monumental orchestral piece passage/paysage. The arc of the programming in general ranges widely. You will have an opportunity to study works with Susanna Mälkki: namely, Unsuk Chin’s Šu for sheng and orchestra and Igor Stravinsky’s Le Sacre du printemps. You will also perform the world premieres of new scores by Jessie Cox, David Moliner, and Hovik Sardaryan and prepare Georges Lewis’s Minds in Flux under the direction of Ilan Volkov.
There is no fee for active participation in the Lucerne Festival Academy. Travel, accommodation, and meals, as well as scores and instrumental parts, are provided by Lucerne Festival.
You can find all the information in our brand new booklet or on our website.
We kindly ask you to forward this information / document to students, colleagues, and friends who might be interested in our summer program in 2023. Thank you in advance.
We look forward to receiving applications for the Lucerne Festival Academy and the Fritz Gerber Award up until 19 February 2023 (23:59 Swiss Time; CET)!
In the meantime, we wish you all a wonderful festive season, and a happy and successful new year!
All the best,
The Lucerne Festival Contemporary Team

Lucerne Festival Academy
Fritz Gerber Award
For Composers & Conductors
President and Founder: Tatiana LIONARD

Scarica il pdf qui
International Strings & Chamber Music Competition

Concertgebouworkest Young •

Call for Composers & Conductors
Dear Fellow Music Lovers,
We are very excited to be able to share with you application details for many upcoming projects from the Lucerne Festival, in particular next year’s programme for composers and conductors as part of the Lucerne Festival Academy, but also a Call for Commissions in collaboration with the Mizmorim Festival of Chamber Music. The application for instrumentalists will open on 1st December, 2022.
We would be very thankful if you could share information about these opportunities with your students, colleagues, and friends. Links for application processes and further details can be found below, and also on our website:
Apply now!
Wishing you a relaxing Autumn with our best greetings,
Your Lucerne Festival Contemporary Team
For Composers
For Conductors

Audition for Intl. Orchestral Academy of the Janáček Philharmonic
Dear all,
for next season we are opening audition to our International Orchestral Academy only in VIOLIN (1), VIOLA (1), VIOLONCELLO (1), DOUBLE BASS (1)
Application deadline is 15th August 2022.
Results will be announced by mail by 20th August 2022.
Requirements – to be sent as live video recording:
- orchestral parts (where marked, play only selected bars) as one uncut video – all scores of orchestral parts you can find on:
b) excerpts from 2 contrast movements from solo composition ad libitum (max 10min)
All information and ONLINE application can be found on
See also attachement. Thank you for sharing among your students.
Martina Výrková
koordinátor mezinárodní spolupráce | international relations coordinator
Janáčkova filharmonie Ostrava, p. o.
Janáček Philharmonic Ostrava - října 124, 702 00 OSTRAVA
Czech Republic
t. +420 739 372 309
2022 Petrichor International Music Competition
The second annual Petrichor International Music Competition is now open for submissions. This annual musical performance and composition contest provides support, inspiration, and exposure to instrumentalists and singers from around the world.


Want to talk with the locals while you’re abroad?
With OLS, you can learn the language you will be studying, working or volunteering in AND the official language(s) of your destination country.
All you have to do is choose the language(s) you want to learn when you first complete your mobility details in your profile! No worries if you didn’t though! Your preferences can be edited up until you access the language course for the first time.
This month, you can win an e-book voucher. To participate in the OLS contest, you need to spend a minimum of 5 hours on the OLS language course platform during the month of April. If you meet this requirement, a final contest question will be sent to you by email.
Just connect to your OLS language course and make the most out of it to be one of the lucky winners!
Don’t forget our Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)!
Every week you can attend a 30-minute video lesson with a native-speaking tutor on a variety of topics.
Coming up in April:
- Job interviews
- Describing different countries and regions
- I love doing sport and eating chocolate!
- Discussing nature and the environment
The current OLS platform will be closed as of 30th June 2022.
Please download any available documents from your mobility dashboard before this deadline.
But don’t worry! OLS will be back with a new format for participants whose mobility goes beyond June 2022. More information is coming soon!
Need help?
Take a look at the OLS technical support page.
Wishing you the best in every language,
The OLS Team
(Online Linguistic Support)
Proroga bando “The Exploratory: Venice New Music Course”

22° Premio Lams Matera – Festival/Contest Internazionale per giovani musicisti
Dopo il grande successo delle ultime edizioni, che hanno richiamato migliaia di concorrenti provenienti da tutta Italia, dall’Europa e dal resto del mondo, il Premio Lams Matera – Festival/Contest internazionale per giovani musicisti (intitolato “Rosa Ponselle” fino al 2018) giunge alla sua ventiduesima edizione e si inserisce nelle numerose iniziative culturali del LAMS, con il patrocinio del Ministero per la Cultura, della Regione Basilicata, del Comune di Matera, della Provincia di Matera.
Il Premio LAMS MATERA si terrà, quest’anno, a scelta dei partecipanti, nelle due modalità:
A) live, a Matera dal 27 al 29 aprile 2022;
B) online, sul canale YouTube del Lams dal 27 al 29 aprile 2022.
Mission del Premio è di promuovere i giovani talenti offrendo loro una occasione unica di confronto e crescita e un sostegno concreto all’avvio delle loro carriere con concerti retribuiti, che andranno ad arricchire il loro processo di crescita umana e professionale.
Anche se la pandemia e la crisi globale conseguente hanno inferto un duro colpo alle attività culturali e musicali, siamo sempre più convinti di ridare ai giovani segnali concreti di speranza per il futuro.
Per qualsiasi informazione, non esitate a contattarci, nelle consuete modalità email ( e facebook (Lams Matera).